Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Powerful and Loving: Our Father’s Provision
Name of "The Church in Brattleboro"
So what about naming a local church? Where do you start? What biblical concepts should be included? Should it be different than most other churches, or should we name it something similar to other churches we know of because we value the things mentioned in the name? Do you go with the name of your town (i.e. “Flippin Church of God” in Arkansas or “Half Way Baptist Church” in Missouri)?
In all seriousness, we believed that God had a name for this church that He’s called us to plant, and we really wanted Him to be the one to name it (which we have been creatively calling “the church in Brattleboro”).
We've prayed and thought through the name of this church plant, we acquired the conviction that the name should be something that the town could identify with and also represented the town in the name, much like "the church at Philippi" or "the church at Ephesus". Because Brattleboro is situated on the Connecticut River, I was praying through incorporating "River" into the name of the church. I also liked the idea of including "Town" since we are being planted by Valley Town Church. As I was praying through it, I came across a webpage committed to the town's history, which said, "Brattleboro is a river town, rich in history". That was all the confirmation I needed. This body of believers that the Lord will raise up for the advancement of His kingdom in Brattleboro, New England, and among all nations will be called RIVER TOWN CHURCH.
Keep an eye out for future posts on the Mission, Vision, and Values that God has given us for this body of believers He is raising up in Brattleboro.
Friday, October 25, 2013
India and Vermont
I've heard that a few people who know of God's call on our lives to Vermont have asked, "Why India? How does this fit into the larger calling to Vermont?"
Those are really great questions. To answer these and other possible questions, I've created and answered the "Potentially Asked Questions" below. I hope they help explain our heart and vision for making disciples in Vermont and among the nations. If you have a question that I've not addressed here, please let me know!
Why India?
If we’ve ever shared our story with you, you know that God has given Kayla and I a desire to proclaim Christ and make disciples where people are unreached with the gospel. You’ve also heard us say that we believe in partnering with and training indigenous missionaries to reach their own people where indigenous believers exist.
Consider the following:
- There are over 1.2 billion people in India, comprised of 2,600 people/ethnic groups, almost 2,400 of which are unreached with the gospel (2% or less evangelical and less that 5% Christian adherents)
- 1,795 of these people groups (over 279 million people) in India are completely UNENGAGED with the gospel (no church planting movement planned, no missionary, no commitment to working in their language or culture)
- 27,000 Indians die every single day, the vast majority of which do not know Jesus Christ, and He shed His blood so that they might worship Him.
How does this fit into the larger calling to Vermont?
While God has made clear that, in this season, He is calling us to the unreached of Vermont and New England, any ministry that I’m given the privilege to lead will have a heart for making disciples of ALL nations because God’s heart is for all people.
My desire is to establish longterm international partnerships for the church in Brattleboro that will serve one of two functions:
- Disciple those who are THERE: Provide opportunity for leaders and teachers in our church plant in Vermont to go to other countries train, encourage, and equip indigenous peoples to reach their nations with the gospel of Christ
- Disciple those who GO: provide opportunity for lay people within the Vermont church plant to serve in a foreign context, helping them to acquire God’s heart for all peoples as they serve alongside ministries that are making disciples of peoples from other nations.
My dream has long been for those who are currently far from God in Vermont to be so gripped by Jesus that they go with me to take His gospel to the ends of the earth. This is one of the first steps to realizing that vision.
Were any funds that were raised specifically for Vermont used for the India trip?
No. God graciously provided for the trip to India apart from funds previously given to provide for our family and for the church plant in Brattleboro.
I get the need in India. Why include details of the India trip in your VERMONT partnership update?
Aside from it giving me the opportunity to explain that the church in Vermont will have a passion for reaching the nations, the Lord has given us a prayer team that now consists of over 150 people. We desperately needed people praying for us and the pastors and students there so that the week we spent in India would have drastic implications for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in India for years to come. We view you as our partners in ministry, not just for Vermont, but for whatever Jesus calls us to, so we wanted to have you praying for us and with us as we went!
I praise God for what He’s doing in India, I’m grateful for the opportunity to play a very small part, and I look forward, Lord-willing, to the church in Brattleboro partnering with believers there for years to come!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
8 Simple Ways to Be Missional (from Verge Network)
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Everyday Opportunities for Discipleship
"What little things do you do all the time that can become missional?"
One of the goals of the CityGroup that Kayla and I help lead is to challenge each other to live as a family of missionary servants. Our goal is not to add activities to our schedules, but to see us take the things we already do and let them serve our mission of making disciples in the places God has placed us.
Right before Kayla and I made dinner tonight, I got a call from our neighbor, Nick, who wanted to check in on us and see what we were doing. I told him we were about to make dinner and then I was going to try to catch some of my brother-in-law's football game. He said "Okay, have a good night," and I hung up. When I told Kayla about our conversation, she said "Why don't you invite him to come eat with us?"
So simple. Here was a perfect opportunity to take everyday life and use it for the sake of the gospel. The ugly truth was that I didn't want to. I wanted to enjoy a dinner with my family. By myself. We had already started to make dinner. I had shared with Nick before, and didn't seem to get anywhere. The excuses (lies from the enemy) were rushing through my head. But the more Kayla and I talked, I knew it was of the Lord. I called Nick and asked him to come, and he was at our door almost immediately.
We had a great time eating and hanging out, and ultimately God opened the door for us to talk through the Creation narrative and read about the Fall of man into sin in Genesis 3. We got to talk about God sending Jesus to bear the sins of the world so that we might be saved through Him. He said that he had heard of Jesus coming to die for us, but he had never heard the story of Creation or the story of Adam and Eve.
Nick didn't respond to the gospel tonight, but seeds were planted. Seeds were planted that would have never been planted if Kayla didn't think to take a little thing and turn it into an opportunity for mission. It wasn't the easiest or most comfortable option. It didn't seem convenient. But it ended up being for our joy, and Lord-willing, will lead to Nick finding life and hope in Jesus. Please join us in praying for Nick, and join us in praying that God would open all of our eyes to using the little, normal parts of our days into opportunities to make disciples of Jesus.
"What little things do you do all the time that can become missional?" What keeps you from turning those things into opportunities to make disciples?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May 17th
Approaching May 17th each year feels a little bit like walking out of the mall after shopping only to find that it is absolutely pouring outside. You have no umbrella - your only choice is to dash to your car and embrace the inevitable drenching of you and all your belongings. You are safe once you get to your car, but the process is always a little messy.
This day feels the same to me – there’s no way to avoid the tears, the remembering, and the revisiting of scars that many times go unnoticed. It’s not fun. I will get wet, but on the other side, usually the morning of May 18th, I feel cleansed and at peace after tasting of His faithfulness once again.
12 years without my daddy.
Has it really been that long? In some ways it feels just like yesterday that mom came downstairs and told us through tears that we had a new daddy. On that day we joined the privileged group of people that are particularly protected and cared for by God – a Father of the Fatherless and defender of the widow is God in His holy dwelling… “Do not move the ancient boundary or go into the fields of the fatherless. For their Redeemer is strong; He will plead their case against you.” (proverbs 23:10-11.) I never would have chosen to make the trade between a natural daddy and having God only as my Father – but I’m so thankful that God decided for me.
Every year the loss is felt in a new way. Last year it was the pain of not having him here to know my husband; this year it hurts that he isn’t here to rejoice in this pregnancy, and I know next year I will long for him to be able to know and love my son.
The thing that hurts the most is that he chose to leave. He took his own life – no one but the enemy influenced his death. He didn’t have to do it. Yes even in this, my soul is at rest because of what I know of my God:
1) He is sovereign. Nothing can happen to me outside of His concsent and all-wise plan.
2) He can do me no wrong. Only because of the cross am I experiencing such grace in this life. Even the most severe trial is a taste of mercy because the pain doesn’t even to compete to the wrath I deserve but will not experience because Jesus drank it all for me.
3) Knowing Jesus better because of this is totally worth it. If this is the way God has chosen to introduce me more deeply to Christ, if this is His preferred method of making me more like Him, and if there are lessons and treasures that can be gleaned from this trial that can be obtained in no easier way…then I am grateful. So. Very. Grateful.
Knowing Jesus even just a little bit better is infinitely worth any amount of pain I must experience in the process. He is just so good.
I will definitely cry a lot today…I always do. But even in the pain I know that I do not grieve like someone who has no hope. I will see my daddy again. My pain can only go so far – and no farther, because Jesus is coming back and I will see my Savior’s face and He will wipe the tears from my eyes…and then I will always be with the Lord.
"Bless our God, O peoples, and sound His praise abroad,
who keeps us in life and does not allow our feet to slip.
For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined.
You brought us into the net; You laid an oppressive burden upon our loins.
You made men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water,
Yet you brought us out into a place of abundance.
Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul."
Psalm 66:8-12, 16.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Engaged - Brittany & Patrick

Getting to take the engagement pictures for this beautiful couple was quite a privilege. Getting to see this girl and this guy enjoy being engaged is even more amazing. Brittany and I have been talking about our husbands and planning out our marriages since middle school, but last year at this time, it seemed that Brittany's man was nowhere in sight. We prayed together for this unknown man often - and she waited patiently. Then all of the sudden, out of absolutely nowhere, Brittany's prince charming arrived on the scene and slowly swept her off their feet. I'm so excited about being apart of their wedding day in July!