

Friday, April 16, 2010

Two Loves, One Source

We're giving in to the blog world, not necessarily because we feel like anyone will want to read what we write, but because we both love to write and to document life and all that God teaches us about Himself along the way. We're creating this blog toward the beginning of our marriage in hopes that we'll be able to look back on it to reminisce and praise God for what He's done.

That being said, there is no better way to kick off this blog than for me to write about my two greatest loves: Jesus and Kayla.

I love my wife more than anything. She is the most beautiful person, inside and out, that I've ever known. She is loving and sweet. Discerning and wise. Encouraging and gracious. She is the depiction of a godly woman.

But as wonderful as Kayla is, she will never be able to satisfy my soul. All of the amazing qualities she has are mere reflections of the One her soul loves - Jesus. My ultimate fulfillment and joy are found in Him, not her. He is the desire of my soul and my greatest love. He enables me to enjoy and treasure her, but He does so because of His grace and because He enabled me to love Him first. My pursuit of Him fuels my pursuit of her.

Two amazing, undeserved loves have been given me, and the infinitely greater of the two treasures is also the Source of both. By the strength He supplies, I will passionately pursue them both until my heart can no longer stand the wait to see the King enthroned in all His beauty.


  1. I love this and YOU!
    I look forward to all of your encouraging words of inspiration. You are a great blessing to me!

  2. Thanks so much! YOU are a blessing to me! Love you!
